Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup

Updated 15 May 2023
Since the February 1, 2021 coup and the emergence of the Spring Revolution, a total of (3,509) people, including pro-democracy activists and civilians have been killed through military crackdowns against the pro-democracy movement.
Since the coup, a total of (22,252) people were arrested and among them, (17,948) are currently under detention, (5,920) of whom are serving sentences. There are a total of (112) post-coup death row prisoners as of May 15, 2023. (121) people have been sentenced in absentia, of whom (42) have been sentenced to death. This makes a total of (154) people who have been sentenced to death. (4,304) people have already been released.
These are the numbers verified by AAPP. The actual numbers are likely much higher. We will continue to update accordingly.
According to monitoring by the Documentation and Research Department of AAPP, in recent weeks, junta forces have been capturing and killing local civilians in large numbers. Besides this, they have been attacking residential areas of civilians in storm-affected areas.
On May 10, from approximately 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., a clash broke out between the junta forces and a PDF coalition near Nyaung Pin Thar Village in Htantabin Township, Bago Region. Thereafter, a military column of the junta forces captured 18 locals, including 6 children of ages 18 and below, and set them on fire.
In addition, around 25,000 locals from Sagaing and Magway Regions had to flee for safety during the harsh weather conditions as junta forces were carrying out attacks, while there was heavy rain and flooding due to the Cyclone Mocha.
On the morning of May 10, junta forces raided Nyaung Zin Village in Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi Region. They arrested Tin Shein who was issued a warrant and his soon-to-be bride from Yan Taung Village, who were at Nyaung Zin Village for a photoshoot before their wedding. Then, on the evening of May 11, junta forces took Tin Shein to his home in Yan Taung Village and shot him dead in front of his house.
In addition to this, on May 8, a coalition of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and PDF attacked Infantry Battalion-97 of the junta forces, based in Kawkareik Town. Afterwards, from March 9 to 11, district police force officers and Kawkareik Strategic Forces personnel arrested around 40 locals from Kawkareik Town and questioned them at Kawkareik Myoma Police Station. The arrested persons included businessmen, humanitarian rescue teams along with CDM workers, National League of Democracy members and anti-coup protesters. The family members of the arrested people were not allowed to see their detained relatives.
AAPP will continue to inform on verified daily arrests, charges, sentences, and fatalities in relation to the attempted coup, and update the lists with details of these alleged offenses. If you receive any information about detentions of, or charges against: CSO leaders, activists, journalists, CDM workers, other civilians and fallen heroes in relation to the military and police crackdown on dissent, please submit to the following addresses: fatality-data@aappb.org detention-data@aappb.org
Interactive sub-domain for AAPP data: https://coup.aappb.org/
Click on the below links to view AAPP data:
Killed – bit.ly/3taCmp3
Total Arrested – bit.ly/3t7IE90
Still Detained – bit.ly/3m3Z8Lm
Sentenced – bit.ly/3WP0sla
Released – bit.ly/3MbC3kd
Death Penalty in Detention – https://bit.ly/3BmDPO0
Sector Data of Definition AAPP – Sector_Data_Definition (2-Feb-2023)
Special Condition Data Definition – Special_Condition_Data_Definition (2-Feb-2023)
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“Our uprising must succeed”
In Solidarity,