From December 1 to December 5, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) provided Transitional Justice Advanced Training (Online) to the members of the Kachin Women Association – Thailand (KWAT). A total of 16 women attended the training and they are from Mai Ja Yang, Myitkyina and Muse regions.

Human Rights, Documentation of Human Rights Violations, Transitional Justice and Complaint Mechanism Training (Batch 3) Online
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) (AAPP) held a 12 day training on Human Rights, Documentation of Human Rights Violations, Transitional Justice and Complaint Mechanism Training Online from December 17 to December 28. This training was administered by AAPP trainers Ko Wunna Nwel and Ko Kyaw Oo. A total of 15 participants (7 females and 8 males) attended. Participants were members of the National League for Democracy (NLD), Agriculture and Livestock Development Organization, Kachin Ethnic Women’s Group, Pulaw Youth Affairs Committee, Moe Tauk Kyal, Yeat Sein Nu Environmental Conservation Group, teachers and university students. Moreover, they were ethnic Burmese, Kachin, Taung yoe, Pa’O, Shan, and Karen.
The training served as capacity building measures, aiming to encourage and inform the participants about democratic principles and help protect their human rights.
Basic Human Rights Training (Online)
In December, Ko Wunna Nwel, AAPP’s trainer, provided batch 3 and batch 4 of the basic human rights training (online).
Batch 3 of the basic human rights training held from December 17 to December 22. Six female and nine male attended the training. The training was a good discussion and sharing as teacher from the international school, four university students, one from youth affairs committee and two NLD youths attended the training,
Batch 4 of the basic human rights training held from December 24 to December 29. 14 female and 1 male attended the training. It was the best online training due to its good discussion and exchange skills as five from Parami Institute Of Continuing Education, a teacher, three from Association for the Reduction and Protection of Homeless Children (Htee Gyaint), a college student from Loikaw University and two victims from the Northern Shan State attended the training.
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) continued to donate COVID-19 prevention materials to prisons this month. On December 2, a group led by in-charge of AAPP-MHAP U Kyaw Soe Win donated PPE to Insein prison, a prison officer received the donation.
Participated in Discussion to mark International Human Rights Day (Online)
On December 10, Ko Zaw Moe, head of Documentation and Research and deputy Foreign Affairs of AAPP, participated in a discussion to mark the International Human Rights Day (online). In the discussion, Chargé d’Affaires (US Embassy) Gwen Cardno met virtually with human rights activists. They discussed freedom of expression, minority rights, women’s rights, and supporting civil society.
Representatives of the French Embassy in Myanmar visited Rangoon Office
On December 28, Ophélie Ibanez (Political Counsellor), Agathe Foucher and Naing Naing Tun, representatives of the French Embassy in Myanmar, visited the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) and toured the AAPP’s Memory of the Past museum exhibition, AAPP officials explained to them in accordance with the rules and regulations of COVID-19 issued by the Ministry of Health. Then, U Bo Kyi, AAPP Joint Secretary, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP Rangoon Office Head, and U Kyaw Soe Win, MHAP Head, met them to discuss AAPP’s activities and current political and human rights conditions in Burma.
Supporting Current and Former Political Prisoners
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) continued to provide support to political prisoners currently incarcerated, those facing trial inside prison and former political prisoners struggling with their daily lives. In December, AAPP supported (7) political prisoners from the prison of Insein, (2) political prisoners from the prison of Hsipaw, (3) political prisoner from the prison of Lashio, (2) political prisoner from the prison of Maubin, (1) political prisoner from the prison of Pakokku and (1) political prisoner from the prison of Nyaungshwe. In addition to this, AAPP supported (10) former political prisoners suffering from a variety of ailments, such as heart conditions, stroke, COVID-19 positive and brittle bone disorder (operation).
Publish Monthly Chronology, Lists of Political Prisoners and AAPP Newsletter
With the aim of documenting the human rights conditions and how many sentences, arrests and charges of political activists, farmers, workers and civilians have been made in Burma, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) publishes a monthly chronology and lists of political prisoners. On December 9, AAPP published its chronology and political prisoners list for November.
In addition to this, AAPP’s monthly newsletter details the meetings with parliamentary members, officers of the government agencies, ambassadors from international embassies and representatives of NGOs and CBOs, delivering human rights discussions, talks and providing training. On December 9, AAPP published our November newsletter.
The following link is available:
Compiling COVID-19 Newsletter
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) is compiling cases related to COVID-19 pandemic. Our COVID-19 Newsletter was published on December 10 and has documented cases during November in relation to COVID-19 pandemic with lists of arrests, charges and sentences documenting the violation of the rules related to COVID-19.
The following link is available:
Discuss Human Rights Situation and Visit Human Rights Lane
On December 10, U Bo Kyi, AAPP’s Joint Secretary, Czech Ambassador and other officials discussed the human rights situations and visited the human rights lane.
Supporting International Human Rights Day activities
On the day of the International Human Rights Day of December 10, with the support of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), movements were held in various regions by the former trainees of AAPP’s human rights trainings.
Magwe Division
Human rights activist youths distributed the pamphlets and held a human rights lecture at the Linn Kyaw Aung Border in Seik Pyu in accordance with the statements of the Ministry of Health and Sports per COVID-19.
In Monywa Town, 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed and a short film was shot at the 72nd International Human Rights Day at Kanthaya Park.
In Banmauk Town, a human rights talk was provided to 20 trainees from Promise home shelter and distributed 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters.
In Mai Wal Village and Sin Nine Village of Homalin Township, 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed and a human rights talk was provided to 60 youths and elders in the evening.
Ayeyarwaddy Division
The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed to locals of Pantanaw Town and villagers of four villages in Pantanaw Township, and locals of Maubin Township
The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed to the village administrative office, office of the forest department, NLD village office, rural health department, governmental schools, and four villages in Mawlamyainegyun Township. In the Ingapu Township at the Action Committee for Democracy Development, a human rights talk was held to provide human rights history to all 18 year olds who are eligible to vote in the ward administrator election. A total of 50 participants including party representatives, civil society organizations (CSOs), farmers and students attended. In Thabaung Town, Thabaung Township, a human rights talk was held. 10 people who were interested in human rights attended.
Northern Shan State
In Kyaukme, Nyaung Cho and Lashio Towns, 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed.
Kachin State
In Nyaung Bin village of Indawgyi Region, 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed.
Arakan State
In three places of IDPs of Ann Town of Ann Township, 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed.
Rangoon Division
The 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed to the NLD office and NLD village and ward office of South Dagon Township, NLD East Dagon Township office, Arr Marn Thit Group and A Lwan Swot Village of Thanlyin Township, Youth, GBV Action Team of North Dagon Township, Tagon Charitable Group, Kha Rann Pyar Group of Dagon Seikkan Township. Then, with the Gender Group and human rights activists of South Dagon Township, 30 Articles of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets and posters were distributed at the park of the South Dagon Township and crowded places.
Online Mental Health Consultation Program during COVID-19 pandemic
AAPP’s Mental Health Assistance Program (MHAP) continued its online counselling program during the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2020. Counselors received calls on facebook messenger and viber from several locations including Yangon, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Ayeyarwaddy Region, Mon State, and Thailand.
The people who called our Online Mental Health Consultation Program were also different ages and occupations such as government office staffs, migrant workers, women led households, NGO staffs, company staff, quarantine people, PLHIVs…etc.
In December 2020, MHAP provided coping with stress skills during COVID-19 pandemic to 156 people {71 male (age range_ 18 – 73), 80 female (age range_ 19 – 70) and 5 LGBTs (age range 20 – 44)}. Among them, 51 quarantine people (25 female and 26 male) from different quarantine centers were included.
They have following symptoms _
- Constantly being fearful and worrying about your own health and the health of your loved ones
- Feeling emotionally upset most of the time
- Feeling nervous or anxious/”shakiness inside”
- Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
- Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
- Being short-tempered or angry more easily
- Worrying too much about infection, especially people living with HIV
- Feelings of sadness and depression
- A loss of interest in things normally interested in.
- Feeling lonely
Continue providing Tele-CETA counseling services
In December 2020, AAPP’s CETA counseling program continued to provide Tele-CETA counseling services to people in need for their mental health problems of trauma, depression and substance abuse.
Tele-CETA is a better way of providing individual counseling service during COVID-19 epidemic and post epidemic. We can provide CETA counseling to long-distance clients and/or the clients who move to another location for medical treatment. We continued providing Tele-CETA treatment to 26 women and 19 men clients from various regions this month.
Providing Online Stress Management, Basic Coping skills and Self-care training to the human rights defenders from Northern Shan State
From 1 to 11 December 2020, AAPP trainer Htin Aung provided Online Stress Management, Basic Coping skills and Self-care training to human rights defenders from Northern Shan State through ZOOM. 14 participants attended.
Mental Health Awareness and Self-care Talk
On the 21st of December 2020, AAPP trainer Htin Aung was invited to talk on mental health awareness and self-care to partner organizations of Asia Justice and Rights (AJaR). 17 participants attended that event.
Interview about Donations of COVID-19 Prevention Materials
On December 2, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s Secretary, interviewed with 7 Day News Media about donations of COVID-19 prevention materials. In the interview, U Tate Naing said “we donated COVID-19 prevention materials to 30 prisons and labour camps. Looking at the situation and instructions of the Ministry of Health, depending on the level of funds and donations we will donate materials again to these prisons and labour camps, as much as we can. We will continue to work for prisoners’ health and for COVID-19 pandemic prevention.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed about Thinzar Than Min Political Prisoner Status
On December 4, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, interviewed with Myanmar Harp, MNTV, 7 Day News Media, RFA Media, and Tomorrow Journal about Thinzar Than Min being considered a political prisoner by AAPP. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said “Thinzar Than Min is considered as a political prisoner because her action was right and it also meets our standards of demoratic rights. Therefore, we considered her as a political prisoner. We will advocate and pressure authorities, urging the release of political prisoners including Thinzar Than Min and calling for the amendments of these repressive laws” Also “laws that restrict the freedom of speech and expression need to be amended. There are students who staged the protests to reinstall the internet in Arakan State and there are a total of 36 political prisoners and we are constantly calling for their release.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Joint Secretary Interviewed about Thinzar Than Min Political Prisoner Status
On December 6, U Bo Kyi, joint secretary of AAPP, interviewed with BBC Media about Thinzar Than Min being classified as a political prisoner. In the interview, U Bo Kyi said “Thinzar Than Min had used her freedom of speech and spoke out what she believed. Any law allows arrest about this speech. Freedom of speech is the foundation of Democracy. To adhere to the basic principles of democracy, rules of law organizations and military including government must pave the way for more democratic practices. Such imprisonment is not appropriate. Therefore, we classified her as a political prisoner. Moreover, we will provide some assistance to buy necessities while Thinzar Than Min is serving the prison sentences and we will work for the rights of all prisoners and her immediate release.
The following link is available:
AAPP Joint Secretary Interviewed in the Burma Democracy Dialogue
On December 6, U Bo Kyi, joint secretary of AAPP, was interviewed by VOA Media about the Burma Democracy Dialogue. In the interview, U Bo Kyi discussed issues of political prisoners, lands, reform of oppressive laws, ending civil war and prison reforms.
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed on Thinzar Than Min Political Prisoner Status
On December 6, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, interviewed with RFA Media and Silent Talk Media about Thinzar Than Min being classified as a political prisoner. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said “Thinzar Than Min had addressed her freedom of speech and spoke out unfairly against the military on Facebook. She should not be prosecuted under section 505 (b). Therefore, we classified Thinzar Than Min as a political prisoner.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Joint Secretary Interviewed on “Continued Human rights Abuses in Burma”
On December 7, U Bo Kyi, joint secretary of AAPP, interviewed with RFA Media about “Continued Human Rights Abuses in Burma”. In the interview, U Bo Kyi said “The definition of a political prisoner has not been defined by the government, and parliament and does not officially recognize the existence of a political prisoner. Human rights abuses continue as arrests and prosecutions continue under various charges.
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Secretary and Joint Secretary Interviewed about “Re-citizenship of Myanmar”
On December 9, U Tate Naing and U Bo Kyi, interviewed with Myanmar Times Media and Eleven Media about re-citizenship of Myanmar”. In the interview, U Bo Kyi said “I and the Joint Secretary were recognized as Myanmar citizens and Myanmar I.D have been received recently”. U Tate Kyi said “On December 4, we received mails from the Myanmar Embassy in the Czech Republic that their applications have been approved and they regained Myanmar I.D and passport.” U Bo Kyi said “we applied for citizenship as the political situation in Burma is becoming more open, and also they want to enter the country with their country’s passport when they return to Myanmar.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed on Thinzar Than Min Political Prisoner Status
On December 10, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, interviewed with Irrawaddy Media about Thinzar Than Min being classified as a political prisoner. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said “such imprisonment is further evidence of the country’s lack of freedom of speech and expression, the law should be there to protect citizens, these laws are now a tool to suppress dissents and students and activists are being imprisoned for criticizing the authorities and we also call for the immediate amendment and repeal of all repressive laws that infringe on freedom of speech and expression.
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Secretary Interviewed about AAPP’s Monthly Report (November)
On December 10, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s Secretary, interviewed with the 7 Day News. In the interview, U Tate Naing talked about AAPP’s Monthly Report for November.
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed about AAPP’s Monthly Report (November)
On December 10, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office head, interviewed with Eleven Media Group about AAPP’s Monthly Report for November. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “In our country, land reclamation issues are too many to solve. Concerning workers, there are many problems. When you look at political prisoners, they still exist till to date. Therefore, the new administration must pay special attention to solve these problems,” said Aung Myo Kyaw, Yangon Office in charge. “Although there are many things in many sectors to be solved, AAPP is urging the new administration to work for where they are emphasizing, he added. Moreover, working for getting every citizen’s rights must be implemented, he continued”.
The following link is available:
Interview about AAPP’s COVID-19 Newsletter (November)
On December 11, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office head, interviewed with the Eleven Media Group about AAPP’s COVID-19 Newsletter for November. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “it can be very difficult to control if COVID-19 infected in prisons as prisons are overcrowded. Lack of medical healthcare even in the normal time and the presence of COVID-19 in prisons and jails is a worrying situation. Thus, we urge to solve some unnecessary issues and arrests at the outside of the prison, issues to be completely resolved in court; bail issues and issues to release those who should be released as soon as possible.”
The following link is available:
Interview about Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
On December 11, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office head, interviewed with Irrawaddy Media about Myanmar National Human Rights Commission. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “according to the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Law, the powers of the Commission are limited. There is also a lack of transparency in the appointment of commission members. The commission’s capacity has improved despite these restrictions.”
The following link is available:
Interview about AAPP Re-apply for Registration under the New Government
On December 12, U Bo Kyi, AAPP’s Joint Secretary, and U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, interviewed with the Eleven Media Group about AAPP will re-apply for registration under the new government. In the interview, U Bo Kyi said “by registering an association, diplomatic relations with the government, parliament and other civil society organizations will be strengthened”. U Aung Myo Kyaw said “the registration of AAPP was rejected under the current government and will be re-applied under the new government.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Joint Secretary Interviewed about “Re-citizenship of Myanmar”
On December 12, U Tate Naing, secretary of AAPP, interviewed with 7 Day News Media about “re-citizenship of Myanmar”’. In the interview, U Tate Naing said “They were informed that they were officially granted citizenship last week. Now, they received ID Cards and censuses.
The following link is available:
Interview about Rules of Law in Myanmar
On December 12, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office head, interviewed with RFA Media about rule of law in Myanmar. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “the rules of law is urgently needed in Myanmar, illegal arrests continue and there is no full protection of the law even if you are arrested legally.
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed by Myanmar Now
On December 15, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office head, was interviewed by Myanmar Now Media. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “supportors who were sentenced to one year imprisonment under Section 505 of the Penal Code for supporting the court hearing of U Ko Ni’s murder case by wearing the T-shirt which said “eat plenty of food”, allegedly threaten, and whether U Wiratu and U Htay Aung are considered a political prisoner or not.”
Interview about Human rights Issues to be addressed as a Priority in the Second Term of NLD government
On December 16, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s secretary, interviewed with MCN TV News about human rights issues to be addressed as a priority in the second term of the NLD government. In the interview, U Tate Naing said, “during the election campaign, the National League for Democracy (NLD) campaigned on four issues for the coming term. These four issues are ethnic issues and internal peace, the emergence of a new constitution, justice and free and secure development. We understand that this is an urgent process for the next term. With such a landslide victory, it is hoped that these four points will be implemented. These are the four points that the people really want. To sum up the four points, the main things are peace and to emerge a good government and administration. It can be said that this is really basic. If the real basics of the main things are for peace and good administration, the real basic is promotion, protection and respect of human rights. They see the need to focus on the promotion and protection of human rights.”
The following link is available:
Interview about Imprisonment of Peacock Member
On December 15, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, interviewed with RFA Media about the imprisonment of a peacock member Zeyar Lwin. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “it is a complete violation of freedom of speech and expression. Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right of citizens. It is enshrined in the constitution and the basic principles of human rights. They should be released as soon as possible because of the divisive prosecution and imprisonment of the townships, which tarnishes the country’s image in the international arena.
The following link is available:
Interview on Imprisonment of Peacock Member
On December 16, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, interviewed with the 7 Day News Media about the imprisonment of a peacock member Zeyar Lwin. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “as charges and imprisonment by using Section 505(b) and Section 66(d) in Burma, there is an urgent need for the legislature to amend and consider whether these laws are to protect the people. Therefore, those who are imprisoned and charged need to be released as soon as possible.”
The following link is available:
Interview on Imprisonment of Peacock Member and Current Political Prisoners’ Situation
On December 17, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s secretary, interviewed with Irrawaddy Media about the imprisonment of a peacock member Zeyar Lwin and about the current political prisoners’ situation. In the interview, U Tate Naing said, “students from the Peacock Generation troupe are repeatedly charged and sentenced and students calling for an end to the war have also been arrested and prosecuted should not happen. The government is responsible to prevent such cases from occurring and to not occur to take action against freedom of speech and expression.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Secretary Interviewed about Current Political Prisoners’ Situation
On December 17, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s Secretary, interviewed with DVB Media about the current political prisoners’ situation. In the interview, U Tate Naing said, “up to 105 former political prisoners have won the 2020 election. Regarding that, we will make further suggestions to talk to them as much as possible.”
The following link is available:
Interview on Immediate Release of Political Prisoners Before New Government Administration
On December 17, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office head, interviewed with the BBC Media concerning the immediate release of political prisoners before new government administration. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said, “all political prisoners should be released unconditionally on the path to democracy and we urge to drop the cases of those who have been charged in connection with the political movements as soon as possible and as long as there are political prisoners, we continue to call for and demand whichever government came to power and the government to review the sentences as soon as possible and call for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and government must implement to ensure the freedom of expression is exercised freely and systematically and laws that oppress and imprison the people need to be amended as soon as possible”.
The following link is available:
Interview about COVID-19 Infected in Prisons
On December 21, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s secretary, was interviewed by 7 Day News Media about COVID-19 infected in prisons. In the interview, U Tate Naing “prisons are more easy to be infected. This needs to be carefully watched because of the high risk of infection.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Secretary Interview about Internet shutdown in Rakhine State and Students Activist Arrests
On December 23, U Tate Naing, AAPP’s secretary, was interviewed by 7 Day News Media about the internet shutdown in Rakhine state and students activist arrested. In the interview, U Tate Naing “Due to the internet shutdown in Rakhine State, it is not possible to know the flow of information in time. As the The epidemic is getting worse, the situation is worse. Therefore, they are more likely to be infected recently without knowing the protections of COVID-19. As human rights violations cannot be reported quickly, It can be said that it is the serious human rights violation. The current internet shutdown has many negative effects on the people. This is the human rights violation.”
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed about Preparing in Insein Prison for COVID-19 Treatment and Quarantine
On December 24, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, was interviewed by Irrawaddy Media about preparing in Insein Prison for COVID-19 treatment and quarantine. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said “If COVID-19 is infected in prisons, it is hard to control. Incidents of infectious diseases in prisons have been uncontrollable in the past. It is a life-threatening situation. Prisons should be given more priority for protection as health care is less than even if at the normal time, especially situations could be worse during the COVID-19 period.
The following link is available:
AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head Interviewed by News Watch
On December 30, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Rangoon Office Head, was interviewed by News Watch Media. In the interview, U Aung Myo Kyaw said “Bullet Hla Swe and U Wirathu are not considered as political prisoners”.
Download link for Newsletter December 2020 DECEMBER NEWSLETTER
For more information:
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
U Tate Naing (Secretary)
+95(0) 9428 023 828
U Bo Kyi (Joint-Secretary)
+95(0) 9425 308 840
U Kyaw Soe Win (In-charge of the Mental Health Assistance Program)
+95(0) 977 433 6760