Nelson Mandela International Day Promoting Humane Conditions of Imprisonment

July 18 – Nelson Mandela International Day Promoting Humane Conditions of Imprisonment.

On this day, AAPP are highlighting four prison conditions in Burma which violate prisoner’s human rights.  Overcrowding, access to healthcare, torture and a lack of access to educational/vocational training persist in Burmese prisons and lead to not only the violation of rights inside prison, but also hamper the ability to reintegrate into society post release.

See below for more information on these four issues:



Access to Healthcare






AAPP and FPPS (2016) “After release I had to resort my life from the beginning” The Experiences of Ex-Political Prisoners in Burma and Challenged to Reintegration, [Online] Available at:

AAPP (2016) ‘Prison Conditions in Burma and the Potential for Prison Reform’ [online] Available at:

Davis, L. Bozik, R. Steele, J. Saunders, J. & Miles, J. (2013), Evaluating the Effectiveness of Correctional Education: A Meta-Analysis of Programs That Provide Education to Incarcerated Adults, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, U.S.A., p. 47 [online] availale at:

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (2015) The Press Statement Regarding the Visit to Insein Central Prison by the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Statement No. (3/2015) [online] Available at:

Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (2016) Activity No. (5/2016/Protection) [online] Available at:

UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners [online] Available at: