March 2009 AAPP Monthly Chronology
Summary of current situation
There are a total of 2,146 political prisoners in Burma.
Since the protests in August 2007 leading to last September’s Saffron Revolution, a total of 1,070 activists have been arrested and are still in detention. During the month of March 2009, at least 22 arrested and still detained, 42 sentenced and 11 transferred, 7 released, and 8 in bad health show the Burmese regime continues to inflict human rights abuses. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued an opinion report which declared the detention of Daw Aung San Su Kyi to be illegal and in violation of the regime’s own laws. This is the first time the UNWG AD has declared that it violates the regime’s own laws.
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3 -Monthly Chronology of Burma Political Prisoners for March 2009