Meeting with Committee on the Human Rights, Democracy and Basic Rights of the Citizens

On August 20 at 13:00pm, the representatives of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), Alliance Myanmar, Drug Policy Advocacy Group-Myanmar (DPAG) and U Win Aung, Chairman of the Committee on the Human Rights, Democracy and Basic Rights of the Citizens, U Myo Htat a.k.a Salai Myo Htike, secretary of the committee, and committee members met at the committee meeting hall of the Amyotha Hluttaw. At the meeting, U Win Aung, Chairman of the Committee, delivered an opening speech.
AAPP and partner organizations discussed the contents of their collaborated report on “Prison Reform with Key Population”. They went through the conditions of discrimination experienced by key populations, Prison Law and how to implement reform of the judiciary system, personal health conditions of female prisoners, the sexual assault of LGBT people, ART medications availabality in the prison system needed by PLHIV, issues to reduce drug problems, and other points to be added/amended by the group led by AAPP, and the committee asked the CSO representatives anything else they would like to know. Then, the group led by AAPP and the committee discussed cooperation between them moving forward. Next, U Win Aung, Chairman of the Committee on the Human Rights, Democracy and Basic Rights of the Citizens, announced the session had been recorded and should be systematically studied and then delivered a closing thankful speech.