Human Rights Lectures Provided in Seven Townships in Sagaing Division and One Township Irrawaddy Division
Human rights discussion in Chat Thin Sanpya village
In September, AAPP provided a total of (46) basic human rights lectures to students and civilians in Taze Township, Tabayin Township, Khin-U Township, Wetlet Township, Kanbalu Township, Ye-U Township and Homalin Township in Sagaing Division and Pantanaw Township in Irrawaddy Division. A total of 16,762 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Taze Township, AAPP provided (12) lectures to students of (12) Basic Education High School and (1) lecture to students from nine private schools. A total of 5,950 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Khin-U Township, AAPP provided (6) lectures to students of (6) Basic Education High School and (3) lectures to civilians. A total of 1,813 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Wetlet Township, AAPP provided (3) lectures to students of (3) Basic Education High School. A total of 1,020 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Kanbalu Township, AAPP provided (8) lectures to students of (8) Basic Education High School. A total of 3,305 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Ye-U Township, AAPP provided (4) lectures to students of (4) Basic Education High School and (1) lecture to students from private schools. A total of 2,220 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Homalin Township, AAPP provided (1) lecture to students of (1) Post-primary school. A total of 79 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
- In Pantanaw Township, AAPP provided (1) lecture to students of (1) Basic Education High School. A total of 165 students attended the lectures and teachers joined.
Figure 1 Human rights discussion in Chat Thin Sanpya village
AAPP representatives, Ko Wanna Nwe, Ko Kyaw Oo, Ko Myo Tun and Ko Khin Maung Win gave an introduction of AAPP and its activities and purpose of the lecture. Then, Ko Wanna Nwe, Ko Kyaw Oo, Ko Khin Maung Win, Ko Myo Tun, Ko Than Soe Aung, Ko Naung Naung, Ma Thanda Soe, Ma Wai Wai Khaing, Ma Chaw Wint War Naing, Ma Tin Win Maw Htwe, Ko Saw Daniel Win, Ma Mary Seng Khaung and Ma Lway Aye Maing addressed the students. During our discussion, we showed a powerpoint presentation about the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and discussed responsibility and accountability and there was a question and answer session with students. Then, we showed a short cartoon about discrimination, discipline and showed short films to the students about how they should try to reach their goal and persevere when they are on their journey of life. Then, we discussed the negative effects of drug abuse. At the end of each presentation, AAPP distributed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets to raise awareness of human rights amongst the participants.
Provide Transitional Justice in Myitkyina
Holding Transitional Justice training in Myityina
From September 23 to September 24 at Myitta Center in Myitkyina, Kachin State, the trainer of AAPP, Wunna Nwe provided the transitional justice at the Civic and Peace Education and Youth Empowerment Training which was organized by the Naushawng Development Institute.
Meeting between AAPP and People’s Party
According to the invitation of the People’s Party, on 16 September a meeting was held between representatives of AAPP, led by AAPP Secretary U Tate Naing and Joint Secretary U Bo Kyi, and the chairman of the People’s Party, U Ko Ko Gyi and other executive members of the Party at the People’s Party headquarters in Rangoon. During the meeting attendees discussed the current political conditions in Burma.
Students from PCP and LAB Visited AAPP Museum
Students visiting AAPP museum
On September 6, a total of 19 students from Pre-College Programs (PCP) and Learning Across Border (LAB) visited the AAPP’s Memory of the Past Museum and AAPP in charges gave a museum tour.
Sharing about Human Rights at the International Day of Peace
AAPP Office IN-Charge speaking at International Peace Day
On September 21, U Aung Myo Kyaw, head of AAPP’s Rangoon Office, shared knowledge of human rights at the ceremony which was held at the commemoration of the International Day of Peace. The ceremony was organized by the Alliance Myanmar, shared about human rights to film directors who will shoot a short film on human rights.
Advancing Social Justice in Myanmar Discussion
Ko Bo Kyi Speaking at Advancing Social Movement Event
On September 21, U Bo Kyi, Joint Secretary of AAPP, participated and discussed at the discussion of Advancing Social Justice in Myanmar: Seeking its Philosophical Roots and Policy Options for a Divided Society. The discussion was organized by ISP Myanmar.
Participated and Discussed at Talk of Peace and Youth Role
Speaking at International Peace Day
On September 22, head of AAPP’s Rangoon Office, Aung Myo Kyaw, participated and discussed Talk of Peace and Youth Role at the ceremony of the International Day of Peace. The ceremony was held at the Shekinah Hotel in Pathein and was organized by CJDY.
Meeting with My Justice
Meeting with My Justice at Bago Democracy Movement
On September 24, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) introduced the transitional justice to My Justice and explained the process of AAPP in relation to transitional justice. After that, AAPP sent the group to the Democracy Democracy monument in Bago.
Provided Mental Health Awareness and Self-care Training
On the 7 of September, 2019, Kyaw Soe Win, in charge of MHAP provided mental health awareness and self-care training to 30 human rights defenders in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Region.
On September 27 and September 29, MHAP trainer Htin Aung provided two mental health awareness and self-care training to 60 human rights defenders and NLD party (women) members in Nyaung-U Township, Mandalay Region.
In September, six female counselors visited Women Vocational Training Center in Yangon on every Saturday and Sunday. Three clients completed their counseling sessions and twenty clients are receiving their treatment.
Two counselors visited Women Development Center in Yangon on every Saturday in September, two clients were completed their counseling sessions and four clients are receiving counseling.
One supervisor and five counselors visited Hgnet Aw Sann Youth Training Center (Juvenile prison) on every Monday. In September 2019, 17 clients were completed their counseling sessions and 18 new clients are receiving their counseling sessions.
A female counselor and three male counselors are providing counseling to 10 trainees of Disable Adult Vocational Training Center in Yangon.
In September 2019, AAPP-MHAP Yangon team counselors are also providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners and their family members, other vulnerable population such as HIV patients, victims of human trafficking, victims of raped and poverty effected population in Yangon area.
AAPP-MHAP Mandalay team counselor is providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners and their family members, other vulnerable population in Mandalay area.
AAPP-MHAP Mae Sot team provided CETA mental health counseling services for migrant population, the victims of human trafficking, sex workers and victims of civil war in Myanmar. In September, 5 women and 5 men are completed their counseling sessions and 21 women and 14 men are receiving their counseling sessions.
For more information:
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
U Bo Kyi (Joint-Secrtary) +95(0) 942 503 8840
Aung Myo Kyaw (Office In-Charge) +95(0)9 42811 7348
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