AAPP’s August 2019 Newsletter


Human Rights Lectures Provided in Six Townships in Sagaing Division

In August, AAPP provided a total of (44) basic human rights lectures to students in Monywa Township, Chaung-U Township, Budalin Township, Ayadaw Township, Wetlet Township and Shwebo Township in Sagaing Division. A total of 14,608 students attended the lectures and teachers joined. 

  • In Sagaing Township, AAPP provided (8) lectures to students of (8) Basic Education High School including Department of Sports and Physical Education. A total of 2,950 students attended the lectures and teachers joined. 
  • In Chaung-U Township, AAPP provided (3) lectures to students of (3) Basic Education High School. A total of 1,610 students attended the lectures and teachers joined. 
  • In Budalin Township, AAPP provided (7) lectures to students of (7) Basic Education High School. A total of 2,110 students attended the lectures and teachers joined. 
  • In Ayadaw Township, AAPP provided (10) lectures to students of (10) Basic Education High School. A total of 2,775 students attended the lectures and teachers joined. 
  • In Wetlet Township, AAPP provided (4) lectures to students of (4) Basic Education High School. A total of 1,400 students attended the lectures and teachers joined. 
  • In Shwebo Township, AAPP provided (10) lectures to students of (10) Basic Education High School. Moreover, AAPP provided two human rights lectures to villagers in Hphone Bwe village and civilians of Number (10) Ward in Shwebo Township. A total of 3,763 students, villagers and civilians attended the lectures and teachers joined.

Figure 1 Human Rights Lecture in Wetlet Township

 AAPP representatives, Ko Wanna Nwe, Ko Kyaw Oo and Ko Khin Maung Win gave an introduction of AAPP and its activities and purpose of the lecture. Then, Ko Wanna Nwe, Ko Kyaw Oo, Ko Khin Maung Win, Ko Myo Tun, Ma Thanda Soe, Ma Wai Wai Khaing, Ma Chaw Wint War Naing and Ma Tin Win Maw Htwe addressed the students. During our discussion, we showed a powerpoint presentation about the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and discussed responsibility and accountability and there was a question and answers session with students. Then, we showed a short cartoon about discrimination and discipline to the students. At the end of each presentation, AAPP distributed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets to raise awareness amongst the participants.


Discussion regarding MNHRC Law Reform with Amyotha Hluttaw Committee

Figure 2 Meeting with Democracy and Human Rights Committee

On August 5, there was a meeting with 13 members including chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights, Democracy and Basic Rights of the Citizens, Amyotha Hluttaw and U Aung Myo Min from Equality Myanmar, U Aung Myo Kyaw from AAPP, U Aung Khaing Min from Progress Voice, Ko Saung Kha from Athan and Ma Thinzar Shoon Lae Yi from Action Committee for Democracy Development. They discussed regarding Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Law reform.

Discussion regarding MNHRC Law Reform with the Bill Committee of Pyithu Hluttaw

Figure 3 Meeting with Bill Committee of Pyithu Hluttaw

On August 5, there had a meeting with 13 members including chairperson of the Bill Committee of the Pyithu Hluttaw and U Aung Myo Min from Equality Myanmar, U Aung Myo Kyaw from AAPP, U Aung Khaing Min from Progress Voice, Ko Saung Kha from Athan and Ma Thinzar Shoon Lae Yi from Action Committee for Democracy Development. They discussed regarding Myanmar National Human Rights Commission Law reform.


Providing financial assistance for two current Political Prisoners

The financial assistance, provided by AAPP, for two current political prisoners who have been placed in Insein Prison, was delivered by Insein Political Force on August 7.

Internationals Visited Mae Sot AAPP Office

Eight students from Taiwan led by Tak Border Child Assistance Foundation On August 9, four visitors from Japan on August 21 and four members of Shanti Volunteer Association on August 26 had visits to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, Mae Sot office. Ma Moe Pang Phyu from AAPP hosted and had discussions regarding activities of AAPP, Human Rights situation in Burma and current political prisoners’ issue and then the visitors looked around the museum which was created by AAPP.

MIT Visited AAPP Yangon Office

Figure 4 Myanmar Institute for Technology Visit AAPP

Students from Myanmar Institute for Technology (MIT) visited to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) Yangon office and Museum “Memory of the Past” on August 24. AAPP’s members hosted and explained about museum and then Ko Aung Myo Kyaw, in Charge of Burma Office and Ko Kyaw Soe Win, Chief Clinical Supervisor of MHAP department, explained and made a discussion with the students regarding activities and future working plan of AAPP.


Participated “Inclusion workshop”

On the 29 – 31 of August, 2019 Kyaw Soe Win and Ko Ko Aung, in charge of MHAP participated in first “Inclusion workshop” that hosted by Thar Thi Myay Foundation at Metta Center in Bago. He has learnt about to stop discrimination, pluralism and inclusion among diverse populations. 

Attended CETA Short Session (CSS) training and Training of Trainer

On the 19 – 27 August MHAP trainer Htin Aung travelled to Myitkyina, Kachin State to attend CETA Short Session (CSS) training and training of training. He has learnt new skills on CETA and it will helpful for AAPP to provide more people to reduce stress.  


In August, four counselors visited Women Vocational Training Center in Yangon on every Saturday and Sunday. Three clients completed their counseling sessions and eighteen clients are receiving their treatment. 

Two counselor visited Women Development Center in Yangon on every Saturday in August, two clients were completed their counseling sessions and four clients are receiving counseling. 

One supervisor and five counselors visited Hgnet Aw Sann Youth Training Center (Juvenile prison) on every Monday. In August 2019, 18 clients are receiving their treatment.

In August 2019, AAPP-MHAP Yangon team counselors are also providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners and their family members, other vulnerable population such as HIV patients, victims of human trafficking, victims of raped and poverty effected population in Yangon area.

A counselor from Bago Region is also providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners, their family members and other vulnerable populations in Bago area.

AAPP-MHAP Mandalay team counselor is providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners and their family members, other vulnerable population in Mandalay area.

AAPP-MHAP Mae Sot team provided CETA mental health counseling services for migrant population, the victims of human trafficking, sex workers and victims of civil war in Myanmar. In August, four female clients and two male clients completed their counseling sessions, and 20 female clients and seven male clients are receiving counseling. 

For more information:

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
Tate Naing (Secretary)
+95(0) 9428 023 828

U Bo Kyi (Joint-Secrtary)

+95(0) 942 503 8840

Aung Myo Kyaw (In-Charge of Rangoon Office)


August Newsletter