Human Rights Lectures Provided in Kyaukmae District
In May, AAPP provided four basic human rights lectures to headmasters, headmistresses, and teachers of primary, middle and high school in Hispaw, Kyaukme and Nawnghkio Townships in Kyaukme District, Shan State. A total of 1,370 headmasters, headmistresses, and teachers attended the lectures.
Moreover, AAPP provided a total of 17 lectures in 17 villages in Hispaw, Kyaukme and Nawnghkio Townships in Kyaukme District, Shan State, and 1150 villagers attended. In addition, AAPP provided a lecture to 50 students who attended the Summer Painting Course and staff of the Information and Public Relations Department at the Information and Public Relations Department’s hall in Kyaukmae Township.
Figure 1 Human Rights lectuures given in Nawnghkio
AAPP representatives, U Aung Myo Kyaw, Ko Wanna Nwe and Ko Kyaw Oo gave an introduction of AAPP and its activities and the purpose of the lecture. Then, U Aung Myo Kyaw, Ko Wanna Nwe, Ko Kyaw Oo and Ko Sai Tayzar(Theinny) addressed the topics of human rights, responsibility, accountability, and civil and political rights during lectures. Afterwards, they answered questions from the participants
At the end of each presentation, AAPP distributed pamphlets on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to raise awareness amongst the participants.
Human Rights, Documentation of Human Rights Violations, and Transitional Justice Training Held in Shan State and Ayeyarwady Division
As a part of the series of regular Human Rights, Documentation of Human Rights Violations, and Transitional Justice Training, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) (AAPP) held two long trainings in the month of May. A 11-day training from May 7-17 was organized in Keng Tung Town in Shan State and a 9-day training from May 22-30 was organized in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwady Division.
The 11-day training from May 7-17 was organized in Keng Tung Town in Shan State was administered by AAPP’s Human Rights Trainer, Ko Nay Wunn, and Human Rights Documentation, and Transitional Justice Trainer, Ko Sai Myint Thu. A total of 23 people (16 women and 7 men) participated in the training. Participants included members of Lahu Literature and Culture, Shan National League for Democracy(SNLD), Wa National Unity Party, a lawyer and students, and participants are from Lahu, Akha, Wa-Burmese, Wa-Lahu, Karen-Shan, Shan and Shan-Burmese Ethnic backgrounds. Villages near Keng Tung Town faces forced labor, torture, land confiscation and villagers are recruited by militia.
Figure 2 TJ training in Ken Tung Shan State
The 9-day training from May 22-30 was organized in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwady Division was administered by AAPP’s Human Rights Trainer, Ma Zun Pan and Human Rights Documentation Trainer and Transitional Justice Trainer Ko Kyaw Oo. A total of 24 people (7 women and 17 men) participated in the training. Participants are members of Civic and Justice Development Youth(CJDY), National League for Democracy(NLD), Clean Pathein, Investment our Time, Technique and Experience for the Public(ITEP Youth), Early Childhood Intervention(ECI), Ayeyarwady Youth Center, Thet Youth Development Association, Federal Youth Leadership Camp(FYLC) and Pathein University Student Union. They are from Karen, Palaung, Thet and Burmese Ethnic backgrounds. Pathein Township faces land confiscation and torture.
These trainings served as capacity building measures, aiming to encourage and inform the participants about democratic principles and help them protect their human rights.
The Wing Institute Visited AAPP’s Rangoon Office
Figure 3 The Wings Institute visiting AAPP
On May 7, 21 students from the Wing Institute visited AAPP’s Rangoon Office and AAPP’s Museum, Memories of the Past. Head of Rangoon Office U Aung Myo Kyaw gave a museum tour to them. Then, U Aung Myo Kyaw answered the questions of the students.
Mental Health Awareness and Self-care Training
On May 12, Kyaw Soe Win, In-charge of MHAP provided mental health awareness and self-care training to 23 participants of AAPP’s Basic Human Rights, Human Rights Documentation and Transitional Justice training which was held in Keng Tung Town in Shan State.
On May 27, Kyaw Soe Win, In-charge of MHAP provided mental health awareness and self-care training to 21 participants of AAPP’s Basic Human Rights, Human Rights Documentation and Transitional Justice training which was held in Pathien, Ayeyarwady Region.
“Basic Coping Skills, Introduction to Counseling, Common Mental Health Problems and Positive Thinking Training”
On May 25 – 26, Htin Aung, Trainer of MHAP and Khin Nyein Chan Soe, CETA trainer provided “Basic Coping Skills, Introduction to Counseling, Common Mental Health Problems and Positive Thinking Training” in Sandhi Governance Institute for 28 participants who are different ethnic and from the different area in Burma.
Figure 4 Basic Coping Skills and Counselling
Women Empowerment Talk
On May 11, AAPP-MHAP held a literature talk regarding women’s empowerment at the Women Vocational Training Center in Rangoon. Hnin Pan Eain from MHAP delivered the talk and a total of 94 participants attended.
In May 2019, three counselors visited the Womens Vocational Training Center in Yangon every Saturday and Sunday. Two clients completed their counseling sessions and six clients are receiving their treatment.
A counselor visited the Womens Development Center in Yangon on every Saturday in May, two clients completed their counseling sessions, and two clients are receiving counseling.
One supervisor and five counselors visited to Hgnet Aw Sann Youth Training Center (Juvenile prison) on every Monday. In May 2019, 17 clients are receiving their treatment.
In May 2019, AAPP-MHAP Yangon team counselors are also providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners and their family members, other vulnerable population such as HIV patients, victims of human trafficking, victims of rape and poverty effected population in the Yangon area.
A counselor from Bago Region is also providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners, their family members and other vulnerable populations in Bago area.
AAPP-MHAP Mandalay team counselors are also providing CETA mental health counseling services for former political prisoners and their family members, other vulnerable population in Mandalay area.
AAPP-MHAP Mae Sot team provided CETA mental health counseling services for the migrant population, the victims of human trafficking, sex workers and victims of civil war in Burma. In May, four female clients and two male clients completed their counseling sessions, and seven female clients and six male clients are receiving counseling.
Download link for Newsletter for May 2019 May Newsletter
for More Information Contact
Tate Naing Secretary +95(0)9428023 828
+66(0)812878 751
Bo Kyi Joint Secretary +95(0)42530 8840
+66(0)81 9628713
Aung Myo Kyaw In-charge of Country Office +95(0)942811 7348
Kyaw Soe Win In-charge of MHAP +95(0)977433 6760