Meeting with US Embassy and Reparation Working Group
On the 10th June 2019 at 2:30 pm, Ambassador Kelley Currie, Ambassador Scot Marciel (US Ambassador to the Republic of the Union of Burma), Mr. Ari Bassin (Senior Advisor, US Department of State) had a meeting with members of Reparation Working Group; U Tate Naing (AAPP), U Bo Kyi (AAPP), U Zaw Moe (AAPP), U Han Gyi (ND-Burma), U Ye Aung (OMI), U Twin Lin Aung (GPS), Daw Thet Thet Aung (FLC), at American Centre and discussed the purpose of organizing Reparation Working Group, Reparation Policy, Implemented Activities and the Future Plan. Members of RWG provided the answers relating questions raised by Ambassadors and Senior Advisor. Then, They also discussed the current Human Rights Situation of Burma and the possible opportunity of developing Reparation Policy and the meeting concluded at 4 pm.