Human Rights, Human Rights Documentation, and Transitional Justice Training in Kachin State
Transitional justice training in Kachin State
As a part of the series of regular Trainings on Transitional Justice, AAPP held one long Training in the month of October. An 11-day Training from October 4-14 was organized in Bhamaw Township, Kachin State. In Bhamaw Township, the Training was administered by AAPP’s Human Rights Trainer, Ma Zun Pan, and Human Rights Documentation and Transitional Justice Trainer, Ko Kyaw Oo. A total of 28 people including 17 females and 11 males participated in the training from Good Hope Foundation, Buga Ning Shaung, 88 Thway Tit, and DPF Organization and students, from Burmese, Shan-Kachin, and Kachin backgrounds. This region faces issues with land confiscation and arbitrarily detention. Training serves as a capacity building measure, aiming to encourage and inform their participants in the democratic setup. From October 19-30 AAPP help a training in Thanbyuzyat Township, Mon State. Human Rights Trainer, Nay Wunn, and Human Rights, Human Rights Documentation, and Transitional Justice Trainer, Sai Myint Thu conducted the training. There were 15 females and five males participating in the training and they are from the Mon Youth Organization, and other civil society organizations. Most of the participants were ethnic Mon.
Thirteen Lectures on Human Rights Provided to Students
Human rights lecture in Pha Yar Gyi Basic Education High School
In October, AAPP provided a total of 13 lectures across Bago and Taungoo Townships, Bago Division. In Bago Township, AAPP provided ten lectures in ten basic education high schools. In Taungoo Township AAPP provided one lecture in a basic education high school and two lectures in two Private Schools. A total of over 4,101 students attended the lectures and teachers were presents.
From October 11-17, ten lectures took place at the ten governmental Basic Education High School in Bago Township. Minister of Forestry and Natural Resources in Bago Division, U Kyaw Min San, Vice Chairman of the Bago Division Parliament, U Kyi Zin, Chairman of the Bago Division Education Committee and Bago Division MP Doctor Kyaw Kyaw, and Second Education Officer of Bago Division, U Aye Thein, delivered the opening speech of the lecture and Assistant Education Officer of the Bago Township, U Nay Win attended the lecture. Representative of Bago University, Ma Thaw Thaw Lamin, spoke generally about the issues. AAPP representatives, U Aung Myao Kyaw, Ko Wunna New, Ko Lwin Moe Myint, and former political prisoner, Ko Bo Tauk, introduced AAPP and its activities, and then U Aung Myo Kyaw, Author Hnin Pan Eain, Ko Khin Maung Win, Ko Kyaw Oo, Ko Tint Htoo Lwin, Ko Myo Tun, and former political prisoner, Ko Bo Tauck, addressed basic human rights, the history of human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), child rights, and responsibility and accountability. In addition, Comedians, Poe Lay, Wine Kyaw, U Moe Kyaw, U Baydar, and Thar A Gee, Chairman of the Bago Comedian Association, Ko Arrow, and information officer, Ko Hlaing Bwar, gave a more general talk and provided entertainment at Basic Education High Schools, Pha Yar Gyi and Pyin Pone Gyi numbers (5), (6), (7). Former political prisoner from Eastern Bago, Ko Thet Naing, members of Bago Township, 88 Peace and Open Society memer, Ko Hla Hphone Oo, Ko Aung Kyaw Oo, and Ko Zaw Naing, and Than Naing Win from Bago Media assisted the delivery of the lectures. More than 3,421 students and teachers attended the lectures.
AAPP delivered one human rights lecture at the Number 2 Government Basic Education High School and two lectures at the Nyein Chan Yay and Mahar Private Schools in Taungoo Township, between October 19-20. AAPP representatives, U Aung Myao Kyaw, Ko Wunna, and Ko Kyaw Oo introduced AAPP and its activities, and then addressed basic human rights, history of human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), child rights, and responsibility and accountability. Secretary of the Taungoo NLD Party, U San Tun Aung, and Taungoo NLD member, Ko San Jay, helped AAPP organize the lectures. Over 680 students attended. At the end of each presentation, AAPP distributed Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) pamphlets to raise awareness amongst the participants. The Government cooperated with AAPP to organize these lectures, and helped make them a success.
Counseling Services for Clients
In October, MHAP visited the Women’s Development Center and Women’s Vocational Training Center in Rangoon, run by the Department of Social Welfare, Relief, and Resettlement, to give counseling to the women. Every Saturday, five women from the Women Vocational Training Center met with two counselors from MHAP. In the Women’s Vocational Training Centre, five clients finished their counseling leaving five clients now meeting with MHAP counsellors. Every Saturday and Sunday, 15 women from the Women’s Development Center met with one supervisor and five counselors from MHAP to receive mental health counseling. In October, six clients finished their counseling at the Development Centre. In addition, six MHAP counselors visited the Youth Training Center, ‘Hnget Awe San’ (a Juvenile prison) where, every Monday, six counselors give 12 youths counseling. Furthermore, the MHAP team in Mae Sot, Thailand has been giving counseling to Burmese Migrants, 11 Females and seven Males. In October 3 out of 11 Females and 4 out of 7 Males finished their counseling.
AAPP Interview on MHAP with Cherry FM
On October 24, AAPP’s Joint-Secretary, U Bo Kyi, Head of AAPP’s Yangon Office, U Aung Myo Kyaw, AAPP’s Mental Health Assistance Program (MHAP) Supervisor, U Bo Bo Lin, and Maung Maung Aye from Dream Boat discussed how to raise awareness about AAPP’s Mental Health Assistance Program (MHAP). On October 25, Cherry FM broadcasted the information about MHAP. After the broadcast, 29 people from different regions contacted AAPP to receive counseling. Out of the 29 people who contacted AAPP about the MHAP programme, AAPP are so far counseling six of these individuals, two females and four males.
For more Information contact:
Ko Tate Naing Secretary +95(0) 94280 23828
Ko Bo Kyi Joint Secretary +66(0) 81 9628 713
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