June Month in Review, Chronology and Current Political Prisoners List
Summary of the Current Situation:
There are 212 individuals oppressed in Burma due to political activities.
41 are currently serving prison sentences,
49 are awaiting trial inside prison,
122 are awaiting trial outside prison.
This month, 33 people were arrested. These arrests included eight farmers, three civilians, five journalists, one monk, 15 individuals from ethnic minorities, and one activist. In June 27 people were charged including five journalists and one local civilian under Section 66(d) of the Telecommunications Law, eight farmers under Sections 114 and 447 of the Penal Code, four farmers and one civilian under Section 19 of the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Act (PAAPPA), three journalists and three civilians under Section 17/1 of the Unlawful Associations Act, and one land right activist under Sections 228, 294, and 353 of the Penal Code. This month, 54 individuals were sentenced including three including three individuals from ethnic minorities under Section 19 of the PAAPPA, 48 individuals from ethnic minorities under Section 202 of the Penal Code, and one individual for leaving the military without permission. One student was sentenced under both Section 18 of the PAAPPA and Section 288 of the Penal Code, and one lawyer and land rights activist was sentenced under Sections 420 of the Penal Code. In June 59 people were released including 51 individuals from Kachin State, one journalist, one activist, one monk, and five others from ethnic minorities. This month, three political prisoners are reported to be in bad health.
In June, civilians and journalists continued to be arrested and criminally charged under the vaguely worded and controversial Section 66(d) of the Telecommunications Law. MGY Journal Editor Tin Shwe, MGY Journal Reporter Phoo Pwint Nay Chi, and Democracy Today Reporter Zar Zar San were charged under Section 66(d) over an error published in a Facebook report. On June 2, Chief Editor Kyaw Min Swe and Columnist Kyaw Zwa Naing of The Voice Daily were arrested and charged for defamation under Section 66(d) over a satirical article questioning the Burmese peace process. Charges against Kyaw Zwa Naing have been dropped but Kyaw Min Swe has been denied bail four times by the Bahan Court and remains detained. Lieutenant Colonel Lin Tun has submitted a separate lawsuit against both men to the Bahan Township Court, which may lead to new charges against the two defendants. On June 4, Leader of the Human Rights Activists Association in Pathein, Irrawaddy Division, Tun Tun Oo, was arrested for live-streaming a play on Facebook in January that was critical of military clashes with ethnic armed groups. He stood trial on June 5 and has been charged under Section 66(d) of the Telecommunications Law. Two students who were involved in the play, Aung Khant Zaw and Myant Thu Htet, are still on trial.
For more Information contact:
Ko Tate Naing Secretary +95(0) 94280 23828
Ko Bo Kyi Joint Secretary +66(0) 81 9628 713
Download link for June Chronology 2017
Download Link for JUNE Month in Review
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Remaining Political Prisoners list 41 Remaining PPs Updated on June 30, 17
Facing trial list June 171 facing trial list updated on June 30, 17 (Updated)
total 66 (D) record list 66 (D) total list(new) Updated