Statement on shelling of School on Myanmar’s Children Day
Date: Feb 15, 2020
21 students were injured when a mortar hit a primary school on Myanmar’s Children Day at Buditaung Township, Khamwe Chaung Village in Arakan Region. Some injured children are seriously injured as a result of the shelling and some are critical point for survival.
The laws of war prohibit the targeting of innocent civilians, schools, hospitals and world heritage building during armed conflicts. International Law experts have stated that “such shelling are war crimes.”
On Feb 13, 2020, in the morning, there was a fight between Burmese Army and AA (Arakanese Army). Half an hour later after the fight, a mortar hit the school.
Neither the Burmese Army nor the AA have confessed who is responsible for such kind of atrocious event. We strongly condemn both sides for targeting innocent villagers and for not taking responsibilities.
We urge both sides to cease the fighting in order to avoid another incident like this and to protect civilians. In addition, we also urge the Government to lift the internet restrictions in Arakan State in order to allow citizens to collect and share important information.
An official apology by Government and the responsible leader from either the Burmese Army or AA is needed for those who were killed and injured without done anything wrong. Reparation and justice is also needed
To ensure this does not happen again in future, all armed forces in Myanmar need to reform.
We urge the Government and all concerned related leaders to bring justice for this atrocity as soon as possible and to take action in accordance with the law.
Contact Person –
- Ko Aung Myo Kyaw (AAPP) Phone – 09428117348
- Ma Thinzar Shunn Leah Yi (ACDD) Phone – 09795574775
- Ko Aung Zaw Oo (HRDP) Phone – 09421039493
Endorsed Civil Society Organizations:
- Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP)
- Yangon Watch
- Future Light Center
- Synergy (Social Harmony Organization)
- Metta Campaign (Mandalay)
- Human Rights Defenders and Promoters (HRDP)
- The Seagull: Human Rights, Peace & Development
- Action Committee for Democracy Development
- Equality Myanmar
- Human Rights Educators Network (HREN)
- Myanmar People Alliance (SS)
- Karenni Human Rights Group (KnHRG)
- Athan- Freedom of Expression Activist Organization
- Loka Ahlinn Social Development Organization
- Progressive Voice (PV)
- Than Lwin Citizen Empowerment Program
- Generation Wave (GW)
- Genuine People Servants (GPS)
- ပေါငျးကူး
- မတေ်တာဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးဖောငျဒေးရှငျး
- သူရိယစန်ဒာပတျဝနျးကငြျစောငျ့ကွညျ့ရေးအဖှဲ့
- ပှိုငျ့- ရိုးရာဝနျးကငြျမွှငျ့တငျရေးအဖှဲ့
- လသောရဖောငျဒေးရှငျး
- ပေါငျးစီးမတေ်တာအဖှဲ့
- အာရှအလငျးရောငျဖောငျဒေးရှငျး (ပွငျဦးလှငျ)
- Keng Tung Land Group
- Helping Hand Tachileik
- Citizens Action For Transparency (CAFT)
- စိမျးလနျးပွငျဦးလှငျ
- MaRaJa(MRJ)
- Htoi Gender and Development Foundation
- Southern Youth
- Badeidha Moe Civil Society Organization
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- Men Fellowship (Matupi)
- Women Fellowship (Matupi)
- Cang Bong Youth (Matupi)
- Matupi Baptist Churches
- Chin Youth Organization
- Matu Social Welfare
- Matu Forum Committee
- DDA Dawei Development Association
- Htee Chike Network
- Green Rights Organization
- Hkumzup Development Committee
- Kalyanameikta Social Development Association (Khin U)
- Uakthon Local Social Development Organization
- Shwechinthae Farmers Network
- Golden Heart Organization
- Summer Shelter Library
- Democratic Education Corner (DEC)
- Center for Social Integrity
- Myanmar Cultural Research Society(MCRS)
- Minhal Youth Centre
- Civil Call
- MATA – Sagaing
- Shwechinthae Social Service Group (Shwebo)
- Halcyon- သုခဂဟော
- Nyan Lynn Thit Analytica
- Oway Education and Youth Institute
- ဆှသေဟာအဖှဲ့
- Mwetaung Area Development Group
- Bee House
- ရှမေငျးသားဖောငျဒေးရှငျး
- သငျ့မွတျသူမြား၏ငွိမျးခမြျးရေးလမျးစဉျအဖှဲ့ – PoPP
- Sharing (မြှဝရော)
- လူငယျအစညျးအရုံး – ပဲခူး
- Saytana Shaesaung Youth Organization
- Young Ni Oo Social Development Organization
- Young Ni Oo Women Group
- Muditar Organization
- Paungsee Myittar Organization
- Pone Yate Sit Regional Development Organization
- ကြေးလကျဒသေလူမှုဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- Future Star Youth Organization
- Lin Lake Kyal Social Development Organization
- ဓမ်မအလငျး ယဉျကြေးလိမ်မာအဖှဲ့
- ကလေးသူငယျကာကှယျစောငျ့ရှောကျရေးကှနျယကျ
- ပြိုးဥယြာဉျပညာရေးအထောကျအကူပွုအဖှဲ့
- Sar Phyu Famer Network
- Pan Tain Shin Women Rural Development Organization
- စာနာကွညျဖွူလူမှုဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- ဂရုဏာရှငျနာရေးကူညီရေးအဖှဲ့
- Shwe Thinkha Social Development Organization
- Community Association Development
- ရညျရှယျရာလူငယျဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- Rule of Law watch group
- အလုပျသမားဖှံ့ဖွိုးတိုးတကျရေးအဖှဲ့
- အလငျးရောငျလူမှုဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေး
- အားမာနျသဈလူမှုဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- စှမျးစုတညျ ကြေးလကျဒသေဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- ရှအေနာဂတျလူမှုဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- အခမဲ့ပညာရေးဝနျဆောငျမှုအဖှဲ့
- ဖွူစငျမတေ်တာနာရေးကူညီမှုအသငျး
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- တောငျသူလယျသမားစိုကျပြိုးမှေးမွူရေးကှနျယကျ
- ရတနာရောငျခွညျလူမှုဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- ကောငျးမွတျနှလုံးသားကနြျးမာရေးစောငျ့ရှောကျမှုအဖှဲ့
- ထှနျးသဈစကြေးလကျဒသေဖှံ့ဖွိုးရေးအဖှဲ့
- ကမျးခွအေားမာနျရလေုပျသားဖှံ့ဖွိုးတိုးတကျရေးအဖှဲ့
- မွဈမဧရာဝတီအဖှဲ့
- အလငျးတံခါးအဖှဲ့
- Hope for Children အဖှဲ့
- အနာဂတျအလငျးသဈအဖှဲ့
- စတေနာရှငျလူမှုကူညီရေးအဖှဲ့
- ပနျးသီကွိုး LGBT အဖှဲ့ (၁၁၁ ဖှဲ့)
- Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)(မန်တလေးတိုငျး)
- Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA) (စဈကိုငျးတိုငျး)
- Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA) ( မကှေးတိုငျး)
- Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)( ဧရာဝတီတိုငျး)
- Action Group for Farmers Affair (AGFA)(ပဲခူးတိုငျး)
- စိမျးရောငျစို (တံတားဦး)
- ဝါးစိမျးတောငျကာကှယျစောငျ့ကွညျ့ရေးကောျမတီ (WPWC)
- Peace and Justic
- Justice Movement for Community, Innlay
- အစ်စလာမျ့တံခှနျလူမှု့ကူညီရေးအဖှဲ့ဗနျးမောျမွို့(ကခငြျပွညျနယျ)
- 8888 New Generation (Mohnyin)
- အလငျးတနျးအဖှဲ့
- Doe Myay Community Development organization (Twantay)
- မမွေို့တောငျသူကှနျရကျ
- Mandalay Community Center
Download link for statement Statement (Eng)
Photo Credit DMG